Simple Universe Theory - Version 6

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[UPDATE: This is the latest version (6) of the theory..  Links to previous versions can be found in Appendix B.  2022-03-10 05:37 AM]

Text highlighted this way bears consideration.

Simple (Gravitational) Universe Theory

The way we perceive gravity is little changed since the introduction of general relativity.  By recognizing the underlying duality of the universe, it's possible to explain things we currently must simply accept.  That can't easily be done through a single theory given a duality universe - so this theory focuses on fields.


Definition of Terms:

  • Universe = The duality of a space-time and a singularity that we exist in.
  • Gravitational wave = A resonant oscillation in the electric, magnetic, and duality fields.
  • Gravitational field = Gravity = The sum of all resonant oscillations in the electric, magnetic, and duality fields for a given space.
  • Gravitational wave background = Quantum foam = The fluctuating oscillations in the electric, magnetic, and duality fields which are present for empty space.
  • Gravitational pressure = The resistance of space-time to expand or contract due to gravity. = The resistance of the electric, magnetic, and duality fields to resonant oscillation. = The force exerted on space-time by a gravitational field.
  • Gravitational energy = Gravitational wave apart from a wave form. = The resonant oscillations in the electric, magnetic, and duality fields.
  • Anti-gravity = The application of centrifugal force to counter the effects of gravity.  When combined with resonance this has applications in the aeronautics, space, and other industries.
  • Anti-particle = The name for any particle which is the corresponding opposite of the matter version.
  • A matter particle and it's opposite antimatter particle annihilate each other in collisions.
  • Only those formed through resonance have an antimatter counterpart.
  • Spin = The angular momentum of an elementary particle. = An innate property of an elementary particle from it's creation. = A property of resonance in that each field resonating can contribute a component to spin.
  • Spin quantum numbers = Both the electric and magnetic fields can resonate and contribute a component to spin:
    • The definition of spin where s = n / 2 contains the number 2 for this reason.
  • Lemniscates = Larks? = The elementary resonant oscillations formed at the smallest relative scale when the momentum from the spin and energy density of a collapsing singularity breaks the resonant oscillation responsible for the collapse.

    • Figure showing the resonant oscillation as a standing wave and the basis of reality when a pair (1, 2) of oscillations are mediated by a third (3) oscillation so the pair can resonate.
  • Quarks = The elementary particles consisting of 3 rings lemniscates formed when the momentum from the spin and energy density of a collapsing singularity breaks the resonant oscillation responsible for the collapse.   There's no big bang of space-time created if the resonance is broken before time ceases.  If the resonance is broken as time ceases, the sudden increase in entropy violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics and a big-bang of space-time results.
    • Rings form having spin polarization - the degree to which spin (angular momentum) is aligned in a particular direction.
    • They're grouped into 2 classifications of spin:
      • Left
      • Right
    • Any 2 rings with opposite spins will annihilate each other in a collision - this forms the basis of matter and antimatter.
    • Rings should tend to form with the same spin when there's only 1 source of spin for a collapsing singularity.
    • Rings in significant number with different spins should occur most often with 2 or more sources of spin for a collapsing singularity.
    • The term "matter" is used to describe the dominant ring type remaining after annihilation from collisions.  The term "antimatter" is used to describe the remaining ring type.  The names for them are:
      • Quark
      • Antiquark
    • Quarks can decay when oscillations in the electric, magnetic, or duality fields compromise a rings integrity.
      • Radioactive decay results.

    There are 6 quarks because of the 6 degrees of freedom possible from 3 components of translation and 3 components of rotation.  The types are:







    Electron = A resonant oscillation in the electric field.  Like the quark, it has a "left" and "right" version which represent the:


    Anti-electron (positron)

    Proton = A subatomic particle consisting of 2 "up" quarks and 1 "down" quark, bound together through resonance.

    Neutron = A subatomic particle consisting of 2 "down" quarks and 1 "up" quark, bound together through resonance.

    Matter = The atoms and molecules which consist of neutrons, protons, and electrons.  All matter is composed of them.

    Antimatter = The opposite of matter in terms of the "loops" which make up it's quarks. =  The anti-atoms and anti-molecules which consist of anti-neutrons, anti-protons, and anti-electrons (positrons).

    An anti-neutron consists of anti-quarks:

    1 "up" anti-quark.

    2 "down" anti-quarks.

    Bound together through resonance.

    An anti-proton consists of anti-quarks:

    2 "up" anti-quarks.

    1"down" antiquark.

    Bound together through resonance.

    An anti-electron (positron).

    Matter Antimatter Symmetry = 

    CP (charge conjugation parity) violation = 

    Mass = The pressure a gravitational field exerts on space. = The resistance of the gravitational wave background against a gravity field moving through it. = The pressure caused by resistance of the gravitational wave background against a gravity field moving through it.

    Electric field = One of the 3 fields which make up space for a universe described as a space-time.  It's the electric force for a universe  described as a singularity.  The field is a function of space-time or space-time arises from it.

    Magnetic field = One of the 3 fields which make up space for a universe described as a space-time.  It's the magnetic  force for a universe described as a singularity.  The field is a function of space-time or space-time arises from it.

    Duality field = One of the 3 fields which make up space.  It mediates the transition between waves for a universe described as a space-time and particles for a universe described as a singularity.  Also known as the quantum field or entropy field.

    Entropy field = Duality field.

    Light = An oscillation propagating through the electric and magnetic fields (oriented perpendicular to each other and to the direction of motion).

    Speed of light = The speed that space is expanding  or contracting.  This makes it's unit of measure: distance / time.

    Speed of the universe expansion = The speed which space itself is expanding or contracting.  This also makes it's unit of measure: distance / time.

    It's also the speed of light.

    Strong interaction (strong nuclear force) = Resonance between  the gravitational "loops" which make up quarks:

    Binds quarks together to form protons and neutrons.

    Binds protons and neutrons together to form the nucleus of atoms.

    Weak interaction (weak nuclear force) =

    Neutrino - An oscillation propagating through the magnetic field (perpendicular to the direction of motion).

    The field oscillation can gain or lose energy as it travels due to background oscillations or other field oscillations.

    Observed changes in neutrino "flavors" or oscillation between types during flight are the result.

    It's electrically neutral due to having no electric field component.

    There are 3 types of neutrinos corresponding to the 3 degrees of freedom from 2 components of translation and one angle of rotation:

    electron neutrino

    muon neutrino

    tau neutrino 

    Current-ality field - Another way of describing a multidimensional field with a number of dimensions equal to the number of ways to describe it. Our universe's Duality is our Current-ality.

    Next-ality field - The additional dimension added to the Current-ality field when a singularity forms and the momentum of it's collapse pierces it's singularity to create a new space-time. In science fiction this is known as space+.

    Previous-ality - The subtraction of a dimension from the Current-ality field if one were to travel through the singularity - which makes up half the duality of the universe - to the space-time it formed in.  In science fiction this is known as space-.

    Space = Any region containing an electric, magnetic, and duality fields with fluctuating oscillations.

    Time = A change or oscillation in the dimension of space. Time moves forward when space expands and backward when space contracts for a given region of space.

    Space-time = The name used when describing  space and time due their inseparable nature.

    Discontinuity? = Anomalous = Any region of space-time where the electric, magnetic, or duality fields don't oscillate.

    Quantum foam = The fluctuating oscillations in the electric, magnetic, and duality fields at the smallest scale.

    Resonance between oscillations readily occurs at this scale where it creates the smallest singularities which immediately wink out of existence and emit virtual particles.

    Dark matter = The observed result of 3 effects:

    Oscillating gravitational waves imparting relativistic effects as they pass due to resistance between the gravitational wave background and existing gravitational fields.

    Resonance between gravitational waves of similar frequency due to events occurring under like conditions.

    The redistribution of gravitational energy back through time when a singularity forms.

    Dark energy = The observed result of 3 effects:

    Expansion of space due to the redistribution of gravitational energy back through time when a singularity forms.

    Resonance between gravitational waves of similar frequency due to events under like conditions.

    An inferred tendency that as space expands, it's resistance to gravitational pressure weakens.

    Hawking radiation = The virtual particle which escapes annihilation in a pair when the other crosses the static electric field boundary surrounding a singularity.

    Static electric field = An electric field which doesn't  change with time.  Any type of propagating wave within a static electric field - depending on the field intensity - will reflect off the field inner surface to form a standing/stationery/static wave:

    An expanding field decreases the frequency of standing/stationary/static waves within it.  The frequency shifts as the wave reflects off the inner surface expanding outward.

    A contracting field increases the frequency of standing/stationary/static waves within it.  The frequency shifts as the wave reflects off the inner surface contracting inward.

    Singularity = A region where a resonant oscillation in the electric, magnetic and duality fields forms a standing/stationary/static wave within a static electric field with enough energy to start the collapse of space within the region.  gravitational energy exceeds the ability of space to expand quickly enough toward equilibrium. This causes space to contract instead of expand, time to move backwards, light to slow down, stop, then begin accelerating at negative speed. The result is termed a "black hole" with light itself being unable to escape it's pull.  Our perception of light may be backwards in that respect - if light has no gravitational field it shouldn't be drawn in at all.  It's space itself which can't escape and light goes along for the ride.

    The ground state for a singularity is the instant before infinite densities are reached.

    The electric, magnetic, and duality field densities increase toward infinity density..

    As the arrow of time goes backwards and space collapses back toward an infinitely small point, time itself ceases at the moment the universe exists as a singularity.

    Big bang = The moment space comes into existence and time starts.  This can occur when the momentum of a collapsing singularity carries it through the moment the universe exists as a singularity.

    Reality = the reason for universal constants like PI and others. (Something about the nature of the universe / the nature of space)

    Second law of thermodynamics = A universal law which states that the entropy (disorder) of a system only increases with time.  The law itself is a duality.

    Gravity is the starting point for a universe.  What begins as matter and energy collapsing into a singularity become gravitational energy approaching infinite density as an infinitely small point is reached.  Gravity is the only form of energy that makes the transition as a singularity forms and a big bang of expanding space is created within it.

    Our perception of gravity is also backwards.  Gravity is not the end result of mass meeting space.  Gravity is the beginning and contributes a gravitational field to all matter which results in mass.  Mass is the pressure a gravitational field exerts against space.  The gravitational field of a planet (or any object) is the sum of the gravitational energy which contributes to it's matter.  When matter meets space, the pressure of it's gravitational field is what we know as mass - not the other way around.

    If the same planet were accelerated towards the speed of light, it's gravitational field would not change in strength.  Neither would the amount of energy contained in it's matter.  Only it's mass would increase toward infinity, which means increasing mass is the additional pressure caused by resistance of the gravitational wave background against a gravity field moving through it.

    This means that e = mc^2 can be preserved with the understanding that the speed of light is the speed the universe is expanding or contracting.

    If a craft were to extract the energy from the gravitational wave background just ahead as it accelerated, the resistance can be lowered or eliminated.  It then becomes possible to accelerate a craft up to the speed of light without it's mass increasing to infinity.

    Any change in the dimension of space is the passage of time.  When the dimension of space expands, the arrow of time moves forward - this is why we only see the arrow of time moving in that one direction.  When the dimension of space contracts, the arrow of time moves backwards.  Describing time this way gives meaning to the speed of light, explains why an object's mass increases when accelerated toward the speed of light, and why time slows down for an object accelerated toward the speed of light.

    For an object accelerated toward the speed of light, the amount of space it traverses will slowly catch up to how quickly space itself is expanding.  Once an object reaches the same velocity that space itself is expanding it can't travel any faster - it's reached the same maximum speed as light.  As an object approaches the speed of light and the amount of space it traverses catches up to the expansion of space itself, it experiences less of the expansion of space so time should slow down.  We know through many experiments that time dilates this way as expected.  And with that same velocity, the object no longer moves through space or time.  It holds to the same point for the underlying singularity that makes up the duality of the universe.  At the moment the speed of light is reached, an object transitions from a universe described as a space-time to a universe described as a singularity and exits space-time.

    It's only light - which has no gravitational field - which can travel without resistance against the gravitational wave background. This allows it to reach the full speed limit of space without the penalty impose by having mass.  Light has no mass because it consists of only an electric field and a magnetic field perpendicular to each other and to the direction of motion.  It has no gravitational field so no gravitational energy.  This links the speed of light to the expansion of space.  So the speed we find for light is actually a measurement of the velocity for the expansion of the universe itself.

    Gravity can unify both big and small by replacing vacuum energy, quantum fields, and zero point energy with gravitational energy.  It's the gravitational wave background at the smallest scale where resonance creates the smallest singularities.  They immediately fail and wink out of existence leaving behind only virtual particles.  The total net energy remains the same for space throughout the process.  When this occurs in the vicinity of a stable singularity it's called Hawking radiation.  Because of it we know that gravity can create the stuff which makes up a universe.

    All singularities in the universe work to redistribute gravitational energy in a way that contributes to dark matter and dark energy. This holds together galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and larger structures while simultaneously adding gravitational pressure to the expansion of space. Each does this by redistributing gravitational energy back to the point where space came into existence.

    All singularities reach back in time this way. It allows the number and size of singularities to balance against the gravitational energy contributed back to the expansion of space. This process accounts for what's considered an early start to the formation of galaxies and larger structures. Because of this redistribution, the expansion of space is non-local and the speed of light is the same everywhere.

    As a singularity forms, the following events occur:

    Space encompassing the singularity slows any expansion, stops, then begins contracting towards an infinitely small point.

    Time slows down, stops, then begins running backward to the moment space came into existence.

    The contracting space begins increasing in gravitational energy towards infinite density.

    Entropy begins decreasing until it reaches it's lowest state.

    At the moment time rewinds to the point where space came into existence:

    Space has contracted to a near infinite point.

    Gravitational energy has increased to near infinite density.

    Time ceases without a space that expands or contracts.

    Gravitational energy makes the transition as a singularity forms and a big bang of expanding space is created within it.

    The equation e=mc^2 again becomes important during the formation of a singularity. Because space contracts, the value for the speed of light becomes negative. This has no unusual effect for the equation because the value is multiplied with itself. It shows us that as a singularities collapse approaches the beginning of time and space it's mass is converted to an amount of energy approaching infinity. This occurs just as space is approaching an infinite point and time ceases to exist.

    Dark matter's observed effects are due to at least 3 sources - oscillating gravitational waves, resonance between waves of similar frequency, and the redistribution of gravitational energy back through time by singularities.  For the first source it's gravitational waves carrying an oscillation which are responsible.  When an oscillation is present in a gravitational wave it imparts relativistic effects as it passes.  Instead of an object accelerated to relativistic velocity, it's space shifting at relativistic velocity due to the oscillation as the gravitational wave passes.  This increases the apparent mass for everything from gas to dust to clusters of galaxies and accounts for the observed deficit.

    Any 2 massive objects which orbit one another create gravitational waves as their orbits decay and each falls toward the other.  As their orbits decrease and velocities accelerate toward the speed of light, the gravitational waves become embedded with the relativistic oscillation.  The energy lost this way allows galaxies and clusters of galaxies to hold together as the gravitational waves travel.

    Dark energy's observed effects are due to at least 3 sources - the expansion of space due to the redistribution of gravitational energy back through time when a singularity forms, resonance between gravitational waves which amplifies their strength, and an inferred tendency that as space expands it's resistance to gravitational pressure weakens. For the first source, space expands due to the pressure exerted on it by gravity.  Gravitational pressure is the gravity equivalent of electromagnetic radiative pressure.  A universe begins with rapid inflation driven by near infinite density of gravitational energy in a point of space.  It then transitions to expansion as space expands until equilibrium is reached..

    For the second source, resonance should occur between gravitational waves of varying frequency in space at all times as waves from different events propagate. Those events can range from small to large but when same or similar groups of them occur under like conditions, the opportunity for resonance is significant. The third source is inferred to occur from observations made in other fields of study with analogous circumstances.

    Both entanglement and the double-slit experiment are considered counter intuitive observations at the quantum level.  But both begin to make sense if the universe is described as both an expanding space and a singularity.

    For entanglement, having 2 particles connected - so a change in one's state is instantly reflected in the other - implies they both occupy the same space.  All points are the same point in a singularity and all particles are always "touching" so "spooky action at a distance" becomes comprehendible.  This also provides an explanation for the time measured for a change in one entangled particle to be reflected in the other.  The amount of time implies the change somehow propagates at a velocity greater than the speed of light.  With experiments of greater accuracy we may find the change to be instantaneous regardless of distance.  This is also explained by a universe described as a singularity.  With all points the same point any change can be reflected instantly regardless of the distance between an entangled pair in a universe described as an expanding space.

    When the Universe is described as an expanding region of space, light behaves as a wave and space-time is fundamentally continuous.  When the Universe is described as a singularity, light behaves as a particle and space-time is fundamentally discrete.  By describing the universe as a duality of both, light can behave as one or the other depending on the universe it's described in.  When an experiment is performed to determine whether light is a wave or a particle, the experiment chosen confines the measurement to one way of describing the universe or the other.  It's that choice which determines the nature of light.

    When a singularity above a certain combined mass and spin forms - as an initial event or from a merger - the momentum of it's collapsing spin may break the resonant oscillation of the electric, magnetic, and duality (or current-ality) fields.  The predicted order of events is:

    A singularity forms from a single star when the gravitational waves (transverse resonant oscillations in the electric, magnetic, and duality fields caused by pulsing due to internal nuclear reactions) resonate.

    This slows and stops the expansion of space so slows and stops time.

    The expansion of space becomes the collapse of space which forms a static electric field that encompasses the region.

    [Move the other set of steps for the formation of a singularity here.]

    Momentum from the collapse to a singularity may break the resonant oscillation of the electric, magnetic and duality fields as it approaches an infinitely small point. 

    The resonant oscillation fragments into individual resonances in a number approaching infinitely.

    A single, clear, resonant oscillation becomes a random noise of individual resonant oscillations.

    The sudden increase in entropy with no increase in time violates the second law of thermodynamics.  This effectively means it can't occur which makes the universe a duality.

    The result is a big bang of expanding space which brings time into existence.

    As some span of time passes, the individual resonant oscillations become quarks and the quarks begin forming a few basic elements.

    The significance of the second law of thermodynamics applying even in a singularity shouldn't be underestimated.

    Each time a singularity forms, the momentum of it's collapse determines whether it stalls out and stays a singularity or pierces it's singularity to create a new space-time.  The spin - at right angles to the direction that space is expanding or contracting - determines how much matter forms and the ratio of matter to anti-matter.

    At the smallest s scales, gravitational waves can reconnect to form circles, infinities, or 

    Matter and energy collapse in to make the transition as gravitational energy.  For a universe with too little gravitational energy to fuel inflation and expansion, it may begin contracting and time rewind back to the moment space came into existence.  For a universe with enough gravitational energy to fuel both, a near eternity is ahead.

    Each big bang starts as a pressurized gravitational explosion outward from a single point then slows as equilibrium is reached.  Should a singularity experience further growth from matter falling in there should be an influx of gravitational energy into it's expanding space from the point expansion began.  And each singularity formed within the universe continues the cycle.

    Original post on 01-15-2022

    Version 2 posted on 01-27-2022

    Version 3 posted on 02-01-2022

    Version 3 updated on 02-19-2022

    Version 4 posted on 02-22-2022

    Version 5 posted on 02-27-2022

    Version 5 updated on 02-28-2022

    Version 5 updated on 03-05-2022

    Version 5 updated on 03-06-2022

    Version 6 posted on 03-10-2022

    Appendix A

    Anomalous observations which can be explained by this theory.

    Earlier than expected formation of galaxies and larger structures - redistribution of gravitational energy back in time when a singularity forms.

    Stars with exceptionally fast velocities and gravity assist flyby anomalies - gravitational resonance which can amplify gravity's strength.

    Accelerating expansion of space -

    Larger than predicted increase of the astronomical unit - assuming any observed increase is found to be non-imaginary, if space is actually expanding at the speed that's measured for light, all relative distances should increase in measurable amounts even for human timescales.

    Photons that are exceptionally energetic - 

    Clouds of gas with larger than predicted size - if the problem is defined as more gas than expected holding together in a cloud, then 1 or more of the sources for dark matter.

    Seasonal changes in decay rates for radioactive elements - Observations show that radioactivity is stronger in the winter than in summer. With the earth traveling faster in it's elliptical orbit in winter, a larger gravitational bow shock should be made. For the earth this should mean a slight decrease in mass and a slight increase in the movement of time. It's the increase in the passage of time which explains the greater radioactive decay. This may be only a part of the explanation.

    Appearance that neutrinos affect the seasonal changes in decay rates for radioactive elements - Surges in neutrinos should be accompanied by gravitational waves. As the earth passes through them it creates fluctuations in the bow shock pushed up in the direction the earth is traveling.

    Violations of matter-antimatter symmetry - Instances of leptons (neutrinos, electrons, etc.) violating symmetry are due to them

    Appendix B

    Previous versions of the theory:

    Version 5

    Version 4

    Version 3

    Version 2

    Version 1

    Appendix C

    Credited and/or contributing:





    [Waiting for confirmation.]



    Appendix of Testable Predictions

    Massive objects moving at great velocity should:

    Build up a gravitational bow shock in the direction of their movement.

    Create a gravitational shock wave that streams out on all sides as it goes.

    An object traveling with or behind the massive object or that is located within the cone of it's wake shock should experience less of an increase in mass than would otherwise occur. [M.Y.]

    As the earth travels around the sun during winter, it's orbit causes an increase in velocity which should:

    Push up a gravitational bow shock in the direction the earth is moving.

    Slightly decrease the earth's mass.

    Slightly increase the rate that time passes.

    The time dilation that occurs should be able to account for observed changes in radioactive decay rates.

    Surges in neutrinos which coincide with observed changes in radioactive decay rates should be accompanied by magnetic field fluctuations in the solar wind.  are oscillations in the magnetic field:

    They are effected both by other oscillations in the magnetic field and by the  resonant oscillation of gravity.

    Gravity is also affected by them with it being a resonant oscillation for the electric, magnetic, and duality fields.

    As the earth orbits - and pushes up a gravitational bow shock in the direction it's moving, any additional gravitational waves encountered - which are propagating in a direction opposite to the earth - should:

    Slightly decrease the earth's mass.

    Slightly increase the rate that time passes.

    The time dilation that occurs should be able to account for observed changes in radioactive decay rates.

    Because an oscillating current can be substituted for a magnetic field in some instances, both it and a static electric field can be used to affect the rate of radioactive decay for any given element.

    An expanding or collapsing static electric field is able to change the frequency of any electric field oscillation propagating within it.

    Given that a static electric field is one component of space then a change in it's dimension should be one component of time.

    So by using an oscillating current to change the dimension of a static electric field, a component of time can be controlled to change the radioactive decay rate for any given element.

    An expanding or collapsing static magnetic field is able to change the frequency of any magnetic field oscillation propagating within it.

    Given that a static magnetic field is one component of space then a change in it's dimension should be one component of time.

    So by using a direct electric current to change the dimension of a static magnetic field, a component of time can be controlled to change the radioactive decay rate for any given element.

    Combining both a collapsing or expanding static magnetic field and a collapsing or expanding static magnetic field, should provide greater control over 2 components of time to change the radioactive decay rate for any given element.

    This may have practical use in extending the half lives of new elements created for study.

    All singularities should be contained within a static electric field and a static magnetic field.

    For a static electric field approaching a field strength equal to the initial field strength when space came into existence, the field should approach becoming completely opaque to any electric field oscillation contained within it and approach becoming completely reflective of any electric field oscillation which encounters it. 

    For a static magnetic field approaching a field strength equal to the initial field strength when space came into existence, the field should approach becoming completely opaque to any magnetic field oscillation contained within it and approach becoming completely reflective of any magnetic field oscillation which encounters it. 

    Should a naked singularity exist, it would be a view into the past to the singularity which makes up one half of the duality of the universe and which gave rise to space and time.

    Appendix of Potential Patents

    Apparatus for projecting gravity/gravitational waves

    Apparatus for forming a non-contained suingularity

    Apparatus for forming a contained suingularity

    Schematic for a drone with no visible means of propulsion

    Apparatus for exerting controlled angular momentum

    Apparatus for a gyroscope with greater capacity to hold centrifugal force and replenish it

    Apparatus for forming a contained suingularity

    Method for reaching critical temperature and pressure under confinement

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