Monday, November 8, 2021

Make an Example or Teach a lession

 About the blog

   Someone(s) in the St. Louis area are impersonating a judge, jury, and social media outlet to push their wants to the front - left, center, and right.

   An individual is selected as a target then entered into a training program only for them.  The process often resulted in schizophrenia and was horrific.  But the schizophrenia part of it has been shut down in the targeted individual's mind.  The inner voices used by the unconscious to try and communicate what was done and how to correct it are still there, but locked down so no outward indication let's anyone know help is needed.

  The training program consists of a set of suggestions.  They can be perceived in more than one way when heard and shouldn't be any more good or bad than anything else a person might hear throughout their day.  Except for one additional push that's applied.

   If the targeted individual's friends won't turn against them on their own, then those friends are themselves selected as targets.  The process doesn't stop until everyone who ends up a target has been destroyed.

   These are not the exact wording of the suggestions, but an approximation of how someone might perceive them:

   Suggestions for making an example or teaching a lesson to someone

  1. You will embarass and humiliate yourself by voicing your own secrets and struggles as though they were someone elses.
  2. You will accuse others of what you are doing and saying.
  3. You will destroy everything you value until all that's left is garbage and trash.
  4. You will covet what you can't keep until it owns you.
  5. Money fortune and fame may be found but will only be fleeting.
  6. You will tell lies even when the truth does no harm.
  7. You will be asleep at the wheel when someone you care about needs you the most.
  8. You may or may not get all these things backwards.

   Should true St. Louis citizens recognize the times this has happened and decide it's not acceptable, there's only 1 way to identify those responsible.

   Everyone needs to provide the information only they may be aware of for instances they've seen or heard of.  Only by combining all those details - things which would never normally be shared - can these hypocritcal perverts be identified and it stopped forever.

   If you feel it's not your place to get involved.  If you think it's better to mind your own business...

   A future where anyone can be treated this way isn't much of a future.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


About the blog

   Just had a possible solution for protecting privacy while providing knowledge for general purposes.

   Will use a police investigation as an example:

  • For something to be accepted as evidence in an investigation, it must conform to certain rules:
    • Testimonies must be from first person witnesses.
    • Objects, imprints, indications of an event, recordings, etc., all must be collected using specific procedures and by individuals trained in doing so.
  • Potential evidence that fails even a single rule can not be accepted.

   Those restrictions have been demonstrated to be well considered and serve both the public and private good.  There might be reasons to do things differently but those are rare.

   However, there are instances where a potential piece of evidence can not be accepted even though it may provide something that can bring everything else into clear focus.  It's unfortunate (some might say unfair) that some investigations are left without a resolution when the critical information is known but rightly excluded.  

   There might be a way to address this and it may also be acceptable to a majority.   It's something that could be applied for other roles and responsibilities too - much more than just investigations.  This is only the beginning of an idea (which I don't take credit for personally), please bear with me.

   Consider this hypothetical example:

  • For a particular police investigation there has been evidence gathered.
  • Witness testimony has been collected.
  • For futuristic sake, let's include an imaginary software program that can connect as many potential dots automatically as possible to draw attention to "interesting" elements for review.

   It doesn't help.  To many things appear to conflict with each other or defy explanation through logic  and reasoning given what's known. The only way to move the investigation forward is through assumptions, guesses, or random luck.  Sometimes those may be enough but resources are always limited.  With infinite time, money, and effort it may be possible to resolve every investigation but we can't afford them yet.

   What if a "shadow" (secondary) investigation was initiated as required and done to be incapable/impossible of affecting the police investigation?  There are rules public institutions must  follow to ensure things are done correctly.  Some of those rules exist to reinforce the public's confidence that we have transparency, fairness, and independent oversight.

   A "shadow" (secondary) investigation could potentially operate under relaxed versions of the rules a police investigation must follow.  In some instances that might result in evidence found which could jump the police investigation ahead.  But allowing any relaxed versions of evidence to be included is currently not allowed and it should remain that way.

   Instead of violating rules of evidence, there's another way to assist the police investigation.  It should also be do-able in a generally agreed upon way that doesn't violate any rules on privacy, evidence, etc.  So even better it could be ultimately be put up to a public vote.

   Evidence itself could never cross the boundary between two investigations as described.  But something that was nothing more than a perception could - and it's up to the person perceiving it give it any recognizable form or function or value.  A frame-shift could be used to do that.  The result would be to change one groups "evidence" into nothing more than another groups individual perceptions.

   That's all it would be. 

   Think of it this way:

  • The police can't be told something they don't already know.

   It's up to those doing the perceiving to find value and direction from it.  And the more experienced and learned the mind, the more value and direction can be found.

   I actually wouldn't be surprised if something like this hadn't already been tried more than once before.

   Here's hoping for a little more transparency this time around.



"Illustration" courtesy of: "walmart " "Self check-out" registers or kiosks can be fo...